Meeting Minutes 6-22-2010
This was John Tanko ' s last call to order as President.
Jane Hulbert had PTR and shared that 8yrs ago she met Gene and wanted to dedicate our meeting to him . He had in turned sent her not 1 but 2 dozen roses to work to commemorate the occasion . The raffle was a wicker picnic basket with pestos from A.G. Ferrari wo n by Larry Burnworth.
Visiting Rotarians
Cory and Traci Malanini formerly of M arin Sunrise joined us as did Kim Kassner formerly of San Bruno.
Visiting Guests
We were delighted that Barbara was again brought by Malcolm .
Mark Shirley attended his 1 st President ' s council meeting and was asked by the President of Marin Sunrise if we would assist in filling large , flat USPS boxes with school supplies to be delivered to them who would take to Colorado on Aug 1 st for distribution to the children in Afghanistan where 3 of his sons had been deployed. Mark will further refine a plan for efficiency in coordinating our effort.
Jane encouraged us to go to website and sign on for Kicking polio out of Africa .
Eiko had come early and brought out the polio canisters and placed on our tables for donations.
Gene Duffy announced that he had 34 confirmed reservations for next week ' s Installation Dinner. Also announced there would be NO raffle gift. The Installation will start at 5:30pm with Mark Shirley hosting with hors d ' oe u v r es and meeting starting at 6pm.
Larry announced th at he had spoken with Bruce Taylor who says Hi to everyone and wife Lynne will be joining him soon on the islands.
Al Shirley shared he ' s off to Egypt on Sunday and said that the weather is cooling down from 113degrees to 109.
Good Times
Big News from Mark Shirley that after an extensive vacation back east, down south and to DC that he and Shiofra came back and walked across the Golden Gate bridge and got engaged the Saturday before Father ' s Day . Her sister promptly posted the news on Facebook and the whole world knew instantly. Lots of congratulations and applause.
Larry and Karen Burnworth have been off on a trawler for 10 days thoroughly enjoying themselves with friends .
Curt Rocca told us an animal story of his encounter at Walker Creek Ranch with a momma fox and her pups who seem to have taken up residence in a shed there.
Tracy announced it was she and Cory celebrated their 21 st anniversary and that today was her 40 th birthday to which we all broke out in song.
Malcolm shared h is delight at having dinner with his 2 daughters for Father ' s day.
Since it was a Club Assembly nite, we spent the remainder of the time chatting and John dismissed us with his Final gavel.